Learn about the Diem BlockchainTransactions and states
Learn about how the fundamentals of the Diem Blockchain work
Validator nodes
Explore Diem nodes and their components
Read about accounts and account resources
Start building on the Diem BlockchainSDKs
Use our SDKs to build on the Diem Blockchain
My first client
Develop your first client using our SDKs
JSON-RPC specifications
Read the JSON-RPC specifications
Build a Wallet or Merchant StoreIntegration guide
Integrate your wallet or merchant store with the DPN
Mini Wallet
Try our Mini Wallet running on Diem testnet
Public Demo Merchant Store
Try our Public Demo Merchant Store running on Diem testnet
Write Smart ContractsMove introduction
Write Move programs that securely and flexibly manage and transfer assets
Modules and scripts
Learn about Move modules and scripts
Create coins
Try creating coins using Move
Try it out
The Official Diem Reference Wallet
Explore the official Diem Reference Wallet, with full functionality and interactive testnet connectivity

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