Run a local test validator network

You can run a local test validator network to test and develop against a Diem Blockchain, including Move changes. This network is not part of the Diem Ecosystem and is only for testing and development purposes.

You can also use the Diem CLI command dev to compile, publish, and execute Move programs on your local test validator network.

Your local test network will not be connected to testnet or mainnet of the Diem Blockchain.

Getting Started#

You can run a local test validator network in two ways: using the Diem Core source code or Docker. The Diem Core source code is useful when testing modifications to the Diem Core code base. Docker is particularly useful when building services on top of the Diem Blockchain as there is no build overhead and the ledger state persists across restarts of the network by default.

Using Diem Core source code#

  1. Download and clone the Diem Core repository from GitHub and prepare your developer environment by running the following commands:

    git clone diem./scripts/dev_setup.shsource ~/.cargo/env
  2. Run the process: cargo run -p diem-node -- --test. After starting up, the process should print its config path (e.g., /private/var/folders/36/w0v54r116ls44q29wh8db0mh0000gn/T/f62a72f87940e3892a860c21b55b529b/0/node.yaml) and other metadata.

Note: this command runs diem-node from a genesis-only ledger state. If you want to reuse the ledger state produced by a previous run of diem-node, use cargo run -p diem-node -- --test --config <config-path>.

Using Docker#

  1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose.

  2. Create a directory for your local test validator network.

  3. Download the validator testnet docker compose.

  4. Create configuration files in the same directory so that the data can be exported out of the docker container:

    # Linux / Mactouch genesis.blob diem_root_key waypoint.txt
    # Windowsfsutil file createnew genesis.blob 0fsutil file createnew diem_root_key 0fsutil file createnew waypoint.txt 0Run docker-compose: docker-compose up

Interacting with the local test validator network#

After starting your local test validator network, you should see the following:

validator_1  | Entering test mode, this should never be used in production!validator_1  | Completed generating configuration:validator_1  |  Log file: "/opt/diem/var/validator.log"validator_1  |  Config path: "/opt/diem/var/0/node.yaml"validator_1  |  Diem root key path: "/opt/diem/var/mint.key"validator_1  |  Waypoint: 0:7ff525d33f685a5cf26a71b393fa5159874c8f0c2861c382905f49dcb6991cb6validator_1  |  JSON-RPC endpoint:  |  FullNode network: /ip4/  |  ChainId: TESTING

This output contains information required for starting the Diem CLI tool:

  • Diem root key path - The root (also known as a mint or faucet) key controls the account that can mint. Available in the docker compose folder under diem_root_key.
  • Waypoint - a verifiable checkpoint into the blockchain (available in the docker compose folder under waypoint.txt)
  • JSON-RPC endpoint -
  • ChainId - uniquely distinguishes this chain from other chains.

Use the output from above to start a diem-client in another terminal:

$ cd ~/diem$ cargo run -p cli -- -c $CHAIN_ID -m $ROOT_KEY -u --waypoint $WAYPOINT