Set up and modules

Set up the Diem Reference Merchant project#

To set up your environment or deploy the Diem Reference Merchant project, refer to the latest information here.

The Diem Reference Merchant is available as a web application. All web UI resources can also be found here.

Merchant front-end module#

The merchant front-end module demonstrates the merchant’s online store UI. It communicates with the merchant back-end and the VASP module to carry out its commands.

ImplementationThe Merchant front-end is a React app written in TypeScript.
Extend functionalityUse a robust e-commerce solution for a reliable online store implementation.

Merchant back-end module#

The Merchant back-end is a service performing all the product management and payment operations for the merchant front-end.

ImplementationThe merchant back-end module is implemented in Python, manifesting a RESTful API using Flask.
Extend FunctionalityThe merchant back-end would usually be a part of a complete e-commerce solution, together with the front-end.

VASP module#

The VASP module is an autonomous service that performs all the Diem-related operations for the merchant back-end and front-end modules.

ImplementationThe VASP module is implemented in Python, manifesting a RESTful API using Flask; it uses Postgresql for data persistence.
Extend functionalityThe proposed VASP reference implementation is centered on serving an online retailer. However, VASPs could supply a wide range of services, including wallets, liquidity, trading, and more.


The UI is fully translatable using standard React i18n library react-i18next. All texts are mapped in JSON files located at front-end/src/locales/LANGUAGE.

To generate new translations, a script is available to auto-generate new translations using a third-party translation service or to export all existing text into a CSV file for manual translation.

Located at scripts/ are usage examples for translating from English to Spanish. ./scripts/ -s en -d es -a will use EN JSON files located at front-end/src/locales/en and generate new JSON files at front-end/src/locales/es.

Instructions for using the newly generated files will be shown upon completing these steps:

  1. Add import ES from "./es"; to front-end/src/locales/index.ts
  2. Add es: ES; to the default Resource object in there

To extract translations into a CSV file for manual translations, you can use the export flag: ./scripts/ -s en -d es -e ./english_texts.csv To import manually translated CSV you can use the import flag: ./scripts/ -s en -d es -i ./english_texts.csv

Use cases#

Direct payment under US$1,000#

In this use case, the user pays for a product using Diem Coins from his wallet directly to the Regulated VASP. Since no additional verification is required for amounts under US$1,000, the user wallet posts the transaction directly to the Diem Blockchain. The merchant settles the payment later using the payout procedure.

Payment payout#

Payout is a procedure between a merchant and its payment VASP. Payout causes the funds collected from a client by the VASP for some previous purchase, to be transferred to the merchant in the form of a fiat deposit to the merchant’s bank account. The VASP employs a liquidity provider (as an external service) to convert Diem funds to a fiat currency.

Paid out payments are not refundable.

Notice that the Diem Reference Merchant does not demonstrate the final fiat transfer and focuses only on the Diem operations.

Payment refund#

Refund is an operation triggered by the merchant that returns the payment to its origin. The operation creates a new blockchain transaction in the opposite direction from the original payment transaction.

Thanks to First DAG for contributing to these projects